All, As we moved all CentOS7.5 patches from mainline to feature branch: f/centos75, please do the review in feature branch for the new coming patches: for those already have CR+2, appreciate that Cores can provide W+1 so that they can be merged into feature branch. Thx. - cindy From: Xie, Cindy [] Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2018 1:13 PM To: Subject: [Starlingx-discuss] patches for SRPM upgrade to CentOS 7.5 All, Shuicheng has one story with many tasks open for SRPM (and its dependent RPM) upgrade to CentOS 7.5:!/story/2003389 Please provide your code review feedback actively (CR+1, CR+2). However, please hold to have W+1 at this moment. We will do a test build when all 47 sRPM upgrade has been done and mirror upgrade to 7.5 done. @Ada, please can you kindly support the validation for the build when we are ready? Thanks. - cindy