
I'm trying to install StarlingX Controller 0 on Physical Machine, But it is failing in config_controller at task waiting for service activation......
with Error: "Configuration failed: Timeout waiting for service enable"

I'm using ISO available at the path: http://mirror.starlingx.cengn.ca/mirror/starlingx/centos/2018.10/20181110/outputs/iso/bootimage.iso

Please suggest us the procedure to debug that & how i can re-run the config_controller again.
Many Thanks,
Himanshu Goyal

On Tue, Jan 1, 2019 at 3:34 PM Himanshu Goyal <himanshugoyal500@gmail.com> wrote:

Can we deploy starlingX with 2 Machines 1 controller & 1 Compute Node (Both nodes on different physical Machines). 

Many Thanks,
Himanshu Goyal