28 July-23
- Stx 9.0 Release Tracking Spreadsheet: Doc Stories are tracked in https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aTjYzUkExodfayt-rjTv466jE-DP8b_YjrTHhXW6G9w/edit?usp=sharing. - To add stories that are planned for Stx 9.0 - AR Juanita
- Update the "Install StarlingX Kuberbetes in a virtual environment" docs; https://docs.starlingx.io/r/stx.8.0/deploy_install_guides/release/index-install-r7-8966076f0e81.html
- Greg to create a LP bug - DONE ; https://bugs.launchpad.net/starlingx/+bug/2028272 : Bugs : StarlingX (launchpad.net)
- Discussion about Merging the Installation Guides ; Virtual env with the Bare metal docs.
- Split the docs and retain them as separate guides at a high level. Resue content from Bare Metal in the Virtual env docs.
- Opensource Project versions - Add Opensource Project versions in the Stx 9.0 RN - AR Juanita - Create a story to track and update.
Gerrit reviews:
- Open Reviews pending; https://review.opendev.org/q/starlingx/docs+status:open - To be reviewed and merged
Launchpad Doc Bugs:
- https://bugs.launchpad.net/starlingx/+bugs?field.tag=stx.docs Total 10 outstanding bugs - The DOC team to create LP defects corresponding with any DS defects - WIP. Teams to add all the impacted Releases when raising a LP bug
Miscellaneous Updates:
- Manju asked how much HW is required including add-ons, nvidia etc. for a small organization - AR Ron
- We have a fault that is preventing LPs from closing when the coorsponding Gerrit WFs. Ron spoke with Jeremy Stanley, who reproduced the bug and is investigating.CONFIRMATION PENDING
- Ron to update the Verified H/W page with the automated script updates https://www.windriver.com/studio/operator/self-validated-and-certified-hosts# - Currently Commented out - Script needs to be updated- Waiting for updates to
the script -AR Ron
- Bruno Muniz showed interest in creating DOC Videos supporting the StarlingX Installation Process. To check with Ildiko / Greg whether this is ok. These Videos can be hosted in a location in StarlingX. The Installation Docs can
point to these videos - AR Bruno to get approvals from Ildiko / Greg
- Sphinx Tools - Need to have further discussions about the version used upstream vs. downstream - AR Ron -To determine version. - Docker Container upstream / downstream - AR Ron (Discuss it with Greg / Ildiko) - a long term project
- Operations Guide Archive - On Hold until further clarifications are discussed with Greg (https://review.opendev.org/c/starlingx/docs/+/822030)
- OpenInfra Summit & PTG Recording: https://ptg.opendev.org/etherpads.html
- Workshop Details are tracked in https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/stx_hands_on_workshop_2023
- IRC: (Note: This option is being evaluated) IRC channel for communication with the community. Team can use https://www.icechat.net/site/icechat-9/ as an alternate text editor from their browser. IRC is a chat platform, for text-based
There’s a web client for easy access: https://webchat.oftc.net/- You need to pick a nickname, and the channel name is #opendev. Once you are in the #opendev channel, you can talk to the group of people in that channel.
To Setup IRC — contributor-guide documentation (openstack.org) IRC here: https://docs.openstack.org/contributors/common/irc.html;
Engineering Status:
StarlingX Eng Stx Status: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/stx-status
StarlingX Eng Status 2023 https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/stx-cores