On Fri, Nov 16, 2018 at 11:06 AM Dean Troyer <dtroyer@gmail.com> wrote:
On Fri, Nov 16, 2018 at 9:47 AM Scott Little <scott.little@windriver.com> wrote:
The spec should be posted soon. Until then... Proposed directory structure:> http://mirror.starlingx.cengn.ca/mirror/starlingx/<path>
<path> = <distro>/<release>/<build-date>/outputs/<output-artifact-type> <distro>/<release>/<build-date>/inputs/<input-artifact-type>
My instinct is to do <release>/<distro> because I tend to think in sorting by time more than type...but /me shrugs...
+1 on this , is better in my opinion <release>/<distro> for sorting and debuging in the future
<distro> = 'centos' 'ubuntu' 'clear_linux'
The value for Clear Linux should match however the clear community self-identifies... Victor?
as clear linux developer and user I love the idea of having clear linxu losted here , we are working on the enblment of STX with clearlinux
/me does research
In DevStack we are using 'clearlinux' while Clear's os-release file uses 'clear-linux-os'. I don't recall why those are different.
We use the os-release file from systemd , for example : $ cat /lib/os-release NAME="Clear Linux OS" VERSION=1 ID=clear-linux-os ID_LIKE=clear-linux-os VERSION_ID=26260 PRETTY_NAME="Clear Linux OS" ANSI_COLOR="1;35" HOME_URL="https://clearlinux.org" SUPPORT_URL="https://clearlinux.org" BUG_REPORT_URL="mailto:dev@lists.clearlinux.org" PRIVACY_POLICY_URL="http://www.intel.com/privacy" Whatever standard you prefer is fine
<release> = 'master' <release-branch>
<release-branch> = 2018.10 # dropping the 'r/' prefix
This maybe should be <release-tag> instead, the tags do not have prefixes, but do have a 'z' component: the actual release is 2018.10.0 and 2018.10.1 would be the next bug-fix release of r/2018.10 if we were to do one, that might be a useful distinction in the future.
Dean Troyer dtroyer@gmail.com
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