Hi team, these are the MultiOS minutes https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/stx-multios


Feel free to add any topic you want to discuss to next week’s agenda :)


MultiOS team meeting  - 10/14/2019



openSUSE specs integration with OBS

    - mtce - almost complete, only missing mtce pkg

    - config - complete, will work on installation

    - HA - complete, focus is to enable puppet

                - https://review.opendev.org/#/c/679686/

    - https://review.opendev.org/#/c/687429/

    - Community review request to core reviewers: http://lists.starlingx.io/pipermail/starlingx-discuss/2019-October/006479.html

    - NFV - complete

    - Fault - complete, working on installation

openSUSE RPM test suite

    - POC: https://gitlab.com/erichcm/rpms-test-suite

    - install and uninstall RPMs

    - for testing functionality

        - right now testing is manual, this could be automated

        - configuration is done manually

        - intention: look puppet code and enable it instead of doing the configuration manually

common infra using QEMU

    - try it, there is no reason we should not use this setup

lvm script - suggestion: run it on real hardware

Ansible and Puppet (Provisioning)

    - what is the status? how can we reproduce this provisioning work?

    - understand the puppet that is associated with each flock service, and solve for each one

    - where to document the findings?

    - send to the ML and post to the wiki, in the section for flock services

kickstarts to autoYaST (Installation)

    - identify openSUSE packages https://github.com/marcelarosalesj/suse-starlingx/tree/master/centos-simplex-installation

How can the mtce dependency on the provisioning can be stated in the spec file? or in another place?

    - if it depends on a configuration done by puppet, we add the puppet package as a dependency

    - we need more information about the dependencies

Dependencies on openstack support?

    - SUSE is moving out from Openstack, but this doesn't necessary mean that openSUSE is going to stop the Openstack support

Yocto - problems with the booting phase


