Hi All,
For the status of Ceph containerization, https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2005527
I list sub-tasks currently we are working on for STX 3.0 as following:
36441 & 36442:
[MS2] [Subtask] Create helm-chart for Rook operator with CSI support     
[MS2] [Subtask] Create helm-chart for Ceph cluster   
patch: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/681457 in review, and received several comments, we plan to break into 2 patches with rook-ceph and ceph-cluster helm charts,
since rook-ceph port from rook community and with customized patch, this need to rework with tarball with build.spec.
36443 & 36444 & 36576:
[MS2] [Subtask] Bring up Rook & Ceph cluster with helm-charts in system service after ansible script   
[MS2] [Subtask] Override function for STX deployment configurations.   
[MS2] [Subtask] Investigate the ceph mon/osd policy with system configuration   
Actually there is patch: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/687340 but we also others parameters (as following table) to overrides, so will finished soon.
Name Description Plan in phase
ceph-mon count ceph monitor count have 2 policies:
1. for AIO, 1 monitor. Simplex have 1, and duplex is for drbd so show ceph-mon-list for 2 uuid.
2. for multi-node, 3 monitors.
STX 3.0
ceph-mon affinity ceph monitor affinity:
1. for AIO, 1 monitor. Duplex is for drbd so show ceph-mon-list for 2 uuid, but deloyed in controller-0
2. for multi-node, There are 3 monitors, 2 in controllers and 1 in compute-0 by default.
In 2+2+2, cannot config monitor
STX 3.0
ceph-mgr modules modules configuration (pg_autoscaler etc) STX 3.0
ceph-osd location Since disk conflict with native Ceph deployment, current implementation is located in /var/lib/rook/storage-dir, will switch to each baremetal disk in STX 4.0 STX 4.0
[MS2] [Subtask] Rook plugin implementation with several features support   
Create a new rookclient.py to interact with sysinv, implement the main  framework, the patch is in dev and ready to review soon.
In STX 3.0, the features mentioned in previous sub-tasks of Containerized Ceph will NOT break functionality & resource with native Ceph cluster & sysinv.
Martin(Haochuan) and me are making efforts on the subtasks.
Also I have filed test cases with current phase: https://ethercalc.openstack.org/81005mu7o1pg
Welcome to give comments~
-----Original Message-----
From: Xie, Cindy <cindy.xie@intel.com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2019 9:54 PM
To: Wold, Saul <saul.wold@intel.com>; 'starlingx-discuss@lists.starlingx.io' <starlingx-discuss@lists.starlingx.io>; 'Rowsell, Brent' <Brent.Rowsell@windriver.com>
Subject: Re: [Starlingx-discuss] Weekly StarlingX non-OpenStack distro meeting
Agenda & notes  for 10/16 meeting:
. Ceph containerization     update (Tingjie) https://review.opendev.org/#/c/681457/ this is for Helm chart definition, can be review now.
https://review.opendev.org/#/c/687340/ for Helm overrides framework, need to extend later.
verified in AIO and multi-node provision. configuration needs to be override according to STX parameters.
Martin working on this for parameters to align w/ the native deployment.
for stx.3.0: only to merge the implantation for Helm chart and override framework. and rook-plugin which support sysinv, this can co-exist w/ current native ceph deployment. test case development is in progress, Tingjie will sync with Fernando. for sysinv, still need to working on patches, not ready for upload/review.
AR: Tingjie to send email to the mailing list for the current status & planning for include partial implementation without impacting the native Ceph functionality. 
. Debranding update (Saul)
Starting from the tools repo, the tools in the build area to debrand the mirroring process. Part of this is for ease of use for build steps. Very early stage. Not fit in stx.3.0 scope.
https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2006387, call volunteer from the community. 
. CentOS 8 upgrade planning     (Cindy)
CentOS 8.0 2 stories created:
https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2006728, the kernel inside CentOS 8 is 4.18, there is no RT kernel.
Shuai is working on new kernel onto build system. Need to understand each patches. there was an earlier analysis for kernel patches available.
AR: Saul please share this analysis to Shuai. against 4.19 kernel some long time ago.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nKnkweuxcqvVOoRcpnTYMVUUv1RoAugOWXMjB7VIrfc/edit#gid=311578025 Tab Kernel Patches Details
AR: Shuai to provide an Excel sheet to compare RPM/sRPM in StarlingX and in CentOS 8.0
. Opens - none
From: Xie, Cindy
Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2019 9:39 PM
To: Wold, Saul <saul.wold@intel.com>; 'starlingx-discuss@lists.starlingx.io' <starlingx-discuss@lists.starlingx.io>; 'Rowsell, Brent' <Brent.Rowsell@windriver.com>
Subject: RE: Weekly StarlingX non-OpenStack distro meeting
- Ceph containerization update (Tingjie)
- Debranding update (Saul)
- CentOS 8 upgrade planning (Cindy)
- Opens
Cindy Xie
-----Original Appointment-----
From: Xie, Cindy
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2019 5:42 PM
To: Xie, Cindy; 'zhaos'; Wold, Saul; 'starlingx-discuss@lists.starlingx.io'; 'Rowsell, Brent'
Cc: Armstrong, Robert H; 'Komiyama, Takeo'; 'Eslimi, Dariush'; 'Seiler, Glenn'; 'Peng Tan'; 'Chen, Jacky'; Gomez, Juan P; 'Waines, Greg'; 'Zhi Zhi2 Chang'; 'Badea, Daniel'; Jones, Bruce E; Chen, Tingjie; 'Carlos Cebrian'; Cobbley, David A; Hu, Wei W
Subject: Weekly StarlingX non-OpenStack distro meeting
When: Wednesday, October 16, 2019 9:00 PM-10:00 PM (UTC+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi.
Where: https://zoom.us/j/342730236
. Cadence and time slot:
o Wednesday 9AM Winter EDT (10PM China time, US PDT Winter time 6AM)
. Call Details:
o Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/342730236
o Dialing in from phone:
o Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 646 876 9923
o Meeting ID: 342 730 236
o International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/ed95sU7aQ
. Meeting Agenda and Minutes:
o https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/stx-distro-other
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