Attendees: Hayde, Marce, Erich, Mingyuan, Memo, Mario, Chuy, Scott, Jason, Saul, Cesar Agenda Build tools - Presentation of stx command line Code freeze for October release opens Meeting Minutes Presentation on StarlingX single command - Presentation was about the steps we are taking to remove the complexity of our build scripts and wrap them around single commands as first step on having a repeatable process - We were also discussing as an extra step to use a single Docker file to do all build steps - Information for single command - Comments for the presentation - We should still have a way to run each script individually for troubleshooting and debugging or in case we need to validate an specific step of the build. we may also expose a way to run scripts using parameters to the single command. - On the Docker file we should find a way to separate the contents of mirror/ and tools/ directories, due that today there is no distinction in where those live. - We may also want to discuss the boundaries on what do we store/execute on containers and what do we do on bare metal. - Comments in general - The team will review the documentation posted in the developer guide, just to make sure there are not unnecessary steps listed there. - We need to find a way on how to work with releases and manifests. Regards Cesar Lara Software Engineering Manager OpenSource Technology Center