7 Apr
7 Apr
11 a.m.
April 07 2021 * Standing topics * PTG Prep o Reminder: We have an Etherpad open for PTG agenda items. Please add any items you want to discuss here: * https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/stx-ptg-planning-april-2021 * (ildikov) TSC Elections o Last year we opened nominations in May for the TSC for a week. If we have more candidates than slots then the process runs a bit longer. o We will need election officials - looking for volunteers. o Target date for nomination window: May 17th - looking for feedback * We need a replacement for the Distro/Multi-OS PL/TL held by Saul who is stepping away from StarlingX. o Saul the StarlingX community is deeply grateful for your many contributions to the project!