Hi StarlingX TSC and Community, I’m reaching out to you to point you to two sessions that are organized by the OpenInfra Board of Directors to discuss perceptions and policies with regards to AI generated code. Background: The Board would like to discuss perceptions of AI generated code and what they would like to do moving forward with present concerns in order to ensure appropriate future options exist and foster community awareness and culture of openness in regards to the use of these tools. The sessions as scheduled for Monday (October 23) in the Diablo room: As such, we've scheduled two time slots: * Monday, Diablo room, 1400 UTC * Monday, Diablo room, 2100 UTC You can find the agenda here: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/oct2023-ptg-openinfra-board The etherpad has a high level summary of what and why. The focus is on two specific aspects one being an overall policy to impose, and the other being more project culture and reviewer training oriented. The Board would like to have input from and a conversation with OpenInfra project leaders and contributors on the above topic. Please let me know if you have any questions about the above, or how you can participate in the PTG[1] event overall. Thanks and Best Regards, Ildikó ——— Ildikó Váncsa Director of Community Open Infrastructure Foundation [1] htts://openinfra.dev/ptg ——— Ildikó Váncsa Director of Community Open Infrastructure Foundation