I wired this into the linters job https://review.opendev.org/c/starlingx/fault/+/875508 Al From: Waines, Greg <Greg.Waines@windriver.com> Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2023 2:39 PM To: StarlingX ML <starlingx-discuss@lists.starlingx.io> Subject: [Starlingx-discuss] CONTEXT in events.yaml Just a reminder ... from your StarlingX DOCS Team, If you are updating stx/fault/fm-doc/fm_doc/events.yaml , In order to add a new Alarm or Log for StarlingX, DO NOT FORGET to include the new 'Context' field. ( # Context: < none | starlingx | openstack > ) ... which indicates what section of docs.starlingx.io<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/docs.starlingx.io__;!!AjveYdw8EvQ!fRnG9R2Ya3NMLthRUpPmzTTELtlHK0oUB34wQru0vPo1zevcXLosezPDQM1e3TN8SmVKk6XFLwqisLiyhqCQajlbG9EyVw$> (i.e. the platform or openstack) that the alarm/log should be published. e.g. 100.103: Type: Alarm Description: |- Memory threshold exceeded; threshold x%, actual y% . CRITICAL @ 90% MAJOR @ 80% Entity_Instance_ID: |- host=<hostname> OR host=<hostname>.memory=total OR host=<hostname>.memory=platform OR host=<hostname>.numa=node<number> Severity: [critical, major] Proposed_Repair_Action: "Monitor and if condition persists, contact next level of support; may require additional memory on Host." Maintenance_Action: critical: degrade major: degrade Inhibit_Alarms: Alarm_Type: operational-violation Probable_Cause: threshold-crossed Service_Affecting: False Suppression: True Management_Affecting_Severity: none Degrade_Affecting_Severity: critical Context: starlingx Greg / Juanita