Hello everyone, The release team is happy to announce that stx.4.0 milestone-3 has been declared today. Sanity from last night's load is Green. Saul will start the creation of the r/stx.4.0 branch in preparation for RC1 today. Submissions to stx master can continue. This activity will not hold them up. Once the branch is open, any bugs that are tagged for stx.4.0 will need to be cherrypicked by the developer to the release branch after the fix is merged in master. A list of open stx.4.0 tagged bugs is here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/starlingx/+bugs?field.tag=stx.4.0&orderby=assignee&start=0 This list is now the focus of the community as well as any new issues found during the regression runs. Regards, Ghada On behalf of the stx release tea,.