StarlingX 2.0 Release Status: ISO: BUILD_ID=" 20190718T013000Z" from (link<>) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- MANUAL EXECUTION ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Overall Results: Total = 493 Pass = 323 Fail = 15 Blocked = 37 Not Run = 97 Obsolete = 37 Total executed = 375 Pass Rate = 95.56% Formula used : Pass Rate = pass * 100 / (pass + fail) Results per Domain: Regression - AIO-SX 25 PASS | 1 Obsolete Regression - Backup & Restore Regression - Distributed Cloud Regression - Gnoochi 15 PASS Regression - FM 3 PASS Regression - HA 11 PASS | 1 FAIL Regression - Heat 12 PASS | 1 OBSOLETE Regression - Horizon 4 PASS Regression - Install and Config 5 PASS Regression - Maintenance 8 PASS | 1 FAIL Regression - Networking 106 PASS | 3 FAIL | 19 BLOCKED | 15 OBSOLETE Regression - Nova 12 PASS | 3 FAIL Regression - Security 34 PASS | 1 FAIL | 6 BLOCKED | 1 OBSOLETE Regression - Storage 15 PASS |1 FAIL| 2 OBSOLETE Regression - Inventory 29 PASS | 1 FAIL System Test 20 PASS | 1 FAIL | 12 BLOCKED | 1 OBSOLETE Regression - new features 24 PASS | 3 FAIL --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTOMATED EXECUTION - INTEL --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Overall Results: Total = 235 Pass = 139 Fail = 75 Not Run = 21 Total executed = 214 Pass Rate = 64.95% Formula used : Pass Rate = pass * 100 / (pass + fail) Results per Domain: Fault-Management 14 PASS | 1 FAIL Gnocchi 12 PASS HEAT 6 PASS High-Availability 6 PASS | 4 FAIL Horizon 2 PASS Insallation-And-Config 2 PASS | 1 FAIL Maintenance 19 PASS | 7 FAIL Networking 33 PASS | 17 FAIL Nova 7 PASS | 12 FAIL Security 12 PASS | 11 FAIL Storage 1 PASS | 13 FAIL SYSINVENTORY 23 PASS | 5 FAIL System 2 PASS |4 FAIL ---------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTOMATED EXECUTION - Wind River ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Overall Results: Pass = 609 Fail = 139 Total executed = 748 Pass Rate = 81.4% Formula used : Pass Rate = pass * 100 / (pass + fail) Results per Domain: Horizon 46 4 PASS MTC General 33 PASS | 31 FAIL Networking 22 PASS | 11 FAIL Nova 184 PASS | 62 FAIL REST API 220 PASS | 4 FAIL Security 28 PASS | 14 FAIL Storage 59 PASS | 10 FAIL Sysinv 17 PASS | 3 FAIL ------------------------------------------------- Bugs: Controller can't unlock after lock on AIO-SX user does not login within configured time(60s) login is aborted After pull data cable on the compute, no alarm has triggered System account doesn't block after invalid login attempts Containers: lock_host failed on a host with config_drive VM 200.006 alarm "controller-0 is degraded due to the failure of its 'pci-irq-affinity-agent' process" after reboot virsh only listing one volume, even though there was an additional volume attached after instantiation 3 instances launched in soft anti-affinity server group but unexpectedly ignored the 3rd host stx-openstack apply takes longer time when lock and unlock on standby controller Port list was not showing for some computes during install neutron-l3-agent and neutron-dhcp-agent never recovered after force reboot on compute When creating instance with pci-passthrough port getting error unexpected output when wipe unassigned disk VM fail to live migrate after evacuation application apply fails after compute lock and unlock CirrOS VM login takes too much time, and throw different log errors Live Migration Error: Failed to live migrate instance to host "AUTO_SCHEDULE". stx-openstack in apply-failed after lock/unlock standby controller 403 error in horizon log when try to update the flavor metadata (and admin user is logged out) Create Volume dialog opens (from image panel in Horizon) but getting error default volume type can not be found instance creating via horizon failed Containers: openstack pods failed after force rebooting active controller After active controller reboot, VM boot up failed with error "Failed to allocate the network(s), not rescheduling" nova instance remnant left behind after cold migration completes disk_available_least value updates when instance moved but not to the value expected Containers: vm unreachable for minutes after live migration or vm reboot 100.114 NTP alarm not cleared after swact unexpected output when wipe unassigned disk after changing a setting of panko stx-openstack failed to reach 'applied' status after 1800 seconds Total Bugs: 28 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more detail of the tests: Regards! Maria G