Hi team, Thank you for your feedback from our last meeting, and this is my update. I am checking all points described in this thread. Actually I have got progress in the topic related to snmp and the relation with oamcontroller, sysinv and cgts-client. I plan to send a PR with information about findings/architecture to the stx-fault/doc in a future. I think, it is not necessary another meeting as it was mentioned, I think I have enough information to continue and I am going to update the current reviews and send news according to the points discussed until today, and contact Tao for specific questions. Thanks Tao, Abraham and Frank. Best regards. Mario. ________________________________________ From: Arce Moreno, Abraham Sent: Friday, March 22, 2019 10:37 AM To: starlingx-discuss@lists.starlingx.io Cc: Arevalo, Mario Alfredo C; Tao Liu Subject: Fault Management Containerization (SB 2004008) Follow Up Thanks Frank for setting this up. Thanks everyone for your attendance to this meeting, here you have high level notes and ToDos based in the topics covered. In Summary - The presentation Stx-Fault/Containers is located at [0]. - Tao will kindly update the Fault Management architecture diagram, slide 8. - Mario will send an email no later than Monday afternoon with the latest findings / questions based in his 5 ToDos. - We will meet again on Tuesday to finalize on tasks and implementation details. If we are forgetting about any key point in this email, please do not hesitate to reply. StarlingX Architecture - 2 instances for each of the following projects: - Keystone - Horizon - Barbican - Fault Management will have 2 instances as well. Fault Management Architecture - [ToDo] [Tao] to modify the Fault Management architecture (Slide 8) Thanks Tao! - fm-api runs in compute node, snmp provide interfaces - [ToDo] [Mario] to check these statements Fault Management REST API - [ToDo] [Mario] to write the next level of details for REST API mapping / implementation, consider to include PUT to Event Log. Fault Management Architecture - python-fmclient is a wrapper to fm_cli / fm_api - [ToDo] [Mario] to understand more about fm_cli as a wrapper and how does it interact and affects fault management containerized strategy. FM Proposal - Remove mysql, fm-api, fm-common - [ToDo] [Mario] to understand about the removal of fm-api and fm-common from the containerized instance. - Dependency to cgts-client - [ToDo] [Mario] to understand what is cgtc-client and how does it interacts with fault management and the new containerized instance. OpenStack Applications The following 2 projects will make use of the Fault Management containerized: - starlingx-dashboard - stx-nfv [0] https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1_vG83aHTToXlIdJxaJpVL-MHWfRGnxLuyEdF...