15 Jun
15 Jun
4:01 a.m.
Our actual StarlingX Etherpad Main Page give us a great overview of the resources to get involved in our community [0] As a next step, in your experience, how would you suggest to approach the creation of a "software dev methodology and tools (repo, bug tracking, feature tracking, etc" How it should look like? Should be it a webpage? a document? Is our OpenStack Developer's Guide [1] a good example of how this could be implemented and tracked [2]? Any recommendation is highly valuable to allow us to propose a strong set resources for our community. Thanks in advance. [0] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/starlingx [1] https://docs.openstack.org/infra/manual/developers.html [2] https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project/721