Agenda for 10/01 Attendees: Elio, JC, Richo, Yang, Cristopher, Fernando, Jose, Ada, Maria P 1. Sanity status - Cristopher / Yang Green status since last week On today's sanity: Bare metal is OK, virtual is not finishing deployment. Cristopher to debug. Yang - Having and alarm 800.11 in simplex after a fresh install. Cristopher has this one too - a launchpad will be created. On stand-by controller, after lock/unlock a application is re-applied. platform-integ-apps is being re-applied after locking standby controller - Unified sanity - JC Full list of test cases from both suites were compared. We could begin with the split of execution of sanity on 10/28. JC will have a meeting with Yang to close on details. We were not able to solve the natbox configuration. We work around it using a jump server. 2. stx.3.0 testing Tracker - Feature testing Backup and restore - Yang On going. Several configurations tested. Some duplex launchpads created. Distributed cloud - Yang Looks like the configuration has been figured out - dist cloud up and being monitored. Up-version openstack to train - JC The testing will be the same as in stx.2.0 (stein). Cindy's team will check on differences and will propose new/additional tests. No date defined yet. JC to check the story for getting a start date. GPU for K8 - Richo Having contact with Ran. Doing experiments and searching for hardware to test this one. We don't have hardware available locally. We are getting hardware lent by China team (to be accessed remotely) (around the first week of October). Trying to setup a NUC to begin with it, but not able to download the ISO built in China. TSN - Elio Testing is Done. Documentation is on the wiki. R2 to R3 upgrades - Yang Not staffed - out? Redfish - Cristopher to begin next week Feature is available. Cristopher has started to review the documentation. Infrastructure and cluster monitoring - Yang Not started yet. Performance tuning going on. Will begin later. Please keep the tracker updated. Regression Plan ready - Yang is reviewing the plan and will provide feedback. Ada to send this plan to the community asking for reviews. 3. stx.2.0 maintenance release ISO to be built on 10/3 Automated regression starting on 10/4 - report next week Elio and Yang are aware this is coming. Yang will have someone ready to launch the regression on Friday. 4. Requests status Testing on fix for - - Elio to work on this. Testing done in standard. Running now in simplex. The goal is to finish today. Provide a list of docker images downloaded at runtime - - Cristopher to take this one. Done. The list is taken after the setup is done (before starting sanity) and sent to the mailing list. Please update the storyboard. 5. Opens None