Build team meeting 10/25/2018


Ken, Scott, Jason, Saul, Humberto, Mario, Chuy(Jesus), Victor, Cesar  



- Cengn mirror status – Ken

- Cengn hosting spec discussion – Erich

- Koji walkthrough - Victor R

- Koji Docker file – Chuy


Deferred for next week

- Plans for next release

- opens 



- Cengn mirror status

Server is alive and available for access, mirror is being updated starting with 3rd party content.

Hosted mirror will also have HTTP access available.

Team is working on a few details on the implementation of this new mirror, the plan is to have it fully functional by November 5th 2018, just before the OpenStack summit.

Cengn mirror should be the authoritative place for content download.

Update of packages in Cengn mirror stills WIP

ISOs and other artifacts are going to be out of scope for this mirror and November 5th plan.


- Cengn hosting spec discussion

All comments were addressed and spec is now +1 and approved, we as a team are all for working through specs for new build requirements in the future.


- Presentation & Demo for Koji

AR – Cesar to post slides and Chuy to post link to his repo for Koji setup to ML




Cesar Lara

Software Engineering Manager

OpenSource Technology Center