MultiOS team meeting  - 10/7/2019




openSUSE specs integration with OBS

    - maintenance

        - 6 openSUSE spec files already in gerrit and WIP integration with OBS

        - mtce.spec will be sent after this patch is merged

    - config - complete

    - HA

        - Service manager (sm) bug not seen in latest build, it seems it was a setup issue as suggested by Bin

        - Service manager patchset sent, all 6 components

        - Working with service manager meta package as suggested by Dominig to install runtime dependencies

            Analysis in progress, it seems meta package might not be needed.

        - Will send a documentation patch with service manager terminology

    - NFV - patches sent, but a refactor is required, _service files accepted in OBS

    - Fault - sent patch to remove file replication

   - Ansible - there is a package existing

    - Puppet - they are available on OBS

        - next step: install ansible and puppet rpms, and run starlingx playbook

kickstart file

    - not compatible with openSUSE

    - there is not any tool to convert kickstart to autoYaST, this should be done manually


    - it's an interesting tool because it works for different distros

what's the next spec after spec integration with OBS?

    - make them work, install, start them, fix hardwired dependencies, fix hidden dependencies

    - define functionality test cases

    - run binary manually, without using systemd or SM


    - still on hold

    - we need to add to SM the support for systemd

    - not priority right now


    - openSUSE 15.1


    - to solve run time dependencies



You can find the minutes here



