StarlingX Status


Agenda & notes for the 7/25 Meeting



o    All bugs:!/story/list?status=active&project_group_id=86&tags=stx.bug

o    stx.2018.08 bugs:!/story/list?status=active&project_group_id=86&tags=stx.bug&tags=stx.2018.08

o    stx.2018.11 bugs:!/story/list?status=active&project_group_id=86&tags=stx.bug&tags=stx.2018.11

o    WR still can't build from the scripts - Intel reports some success.  

o    Changes have been made to update the repo file to Centos 7.5 but we're not pulling any packages from that.

o    Can WR start doing builds without using the their internal mirror?

o    Please post build related checkins and updates to the mailing list.  Please over-communicate.  Use #starlingX!!!

o    IRC channel logging code review in progress - This has been merged!

o    Bruce to post starlingx intro slidedeck to wiki - email thread in progress, needs a ping.  AR Bruce to post a PDF to the wiki.