Hi Erich,

     I still met with some problems after following your method to run “download_mirror.sh”.

     Please check the comment in https://bugs.launchpad.net/starlingx/+bug/1804412

[root@90104f541da1 logs]# wc -l *

      0 K1_failmoved_url_centos.log

      0 K1_rpms_found_centos.log

      0 K1_rpms_missing_centos.log

      0 K1_srpms_found_centos.log

      0 K1_srpms_missing_centos.log

     46 L1_failmoved_url_3rdparties.log

   5306 L1_failmoved_url_centos.log

    394 L1_failmoved_url_centos3rdparties.log

      0 L1_rpms_found_3rdparties.log

      0 L1_rpms_found_centos.log

      0 L1_rpms_found_centos3rdparties.log

      0 L1_rpms_missing_3rdparties.log

      0 L1_rpms_missing_centos.log

      0 L1_rpms_missing_centos3rdparties.log

     23 L1_srpms_found_3rdparties.log

   1936 L1_srpms_found_centos.log

    148 L1_srpms_found_centos3rdparties.log

      0 L1_srpms_missing_3rdparties.log

      0 L1_srpms_missing_centos.log

      0 L1_srpms_missing_centos3rdparties.log

    590 all_i686.txt

   9858 otherfiles_centos_download.log

      1 rpm-gpg-key-missing.txt

     80 rpms_3rdparties_download_L1.log

    490 rpms_centos3rdparties_download_L1.log

      2 rpms_centos_download_K1.log

   6735 rpms_centos_download_L1.log

  57768 tarballs_download.log

  83377 total

[root@90104f541da1 logs]#


      I don’t know whether the “failmoved” packages will affect the ISO image build or not.

      I’m building another docker image for building ISO image.




From: Liu, Changcheng
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2018 11:24 PM
To: 'starlingx-discuss@lists.starlingx.io' <starlingx-discuss@lists.starlingx.io>; Cordoba Malibran, Erich <erich.cordoba.malibran@intel.com>
Subject: RE: stx-tools: setup stx build environment


Hi Erich,

     Please help check the problem. Tell me if you need more information.

     I’m trying to run “download_mirror.sh” again.





From: Liu, Changcheng
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2018 6:35 PM
To: 'starlingx-discuss@lists.starlingx.io' <starlingx-discuss@lists.starlingx.io>
Subject: stx-tools: setup stx build environment


Could someone help check below bug?

    Title: stx-tools: failed to download required packaged

Link:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/starlingx/+bug/1804412





From: Liu, Changcheng
Sent: Friday, November 16, 2018 8:31 PM
To: starlingx-discuss@lists.starlingx.io
Subject: setup stx build environment


Hi all,

     I have one question about setting up stx build environment.

            Why not move lots of many basic program installation process from mirror-check.sh to Dockerfile directly?


     Then stx community could supply one basic docker image as the base image to let developer customize it. Currently, I still need install lots of program after building Dockerfile into image.


