Hello, We ran the sanity tests ran, passed, and all the commits in the following review URL are mergeable: https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:%2522py3%2522+(status:open+OR+status:merg...) If you have any questions please let me know. Regards chuck From: Miller, Frank <Frank.Miller@windriver.com> Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 2021 11:18 AM To: starlingx-discuss@lists.starlingx.io Subject: [Starlingx-discuss] Merging python3 changes onto master branch StarlingX Cores: A team of developers has been working on the f/centos8 branch to convert StarlingX python code to use python3. We're now at the point where most of those changes are ready to merge onto the master branch. Chuck Short has volunteered to gather the commits and merge them onto master [1] and you will see these commits now up for reviews. By tomorrow we expect to be ready for you to review and allow these commits to merge. This email is to let you know of the testing that is being done on these commits so you can have confidence in the changes. * Testing was completed on the f/centos8 branch as much as possible on an AIO-SX system * All the commits [1] were built into a master branch ISO which was brought up in VBox and confirmed the controller went enabled, applications applied, no alarms present * The same ISO was installed on an AIO-SX hardware lab * Sanity is in progress on 2 hardware labs, simplex and duplex, and results expected today * Some functional testing is underway for some domains (eg: SM, FM). If you have any questions let Chuck or I know. We look forward to these commits merging as python3 is a requirement for the project to be able to move to Debian. Frank PL for Build and Containers projects [1] https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:%2522py3%2522+(status:open)<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/review.opendev.org/q/topic:*2522py3*2522*(status:open)__;JSUr!!AjveYdw8EvQ!PPkL9EZkPEAmGp7lZW3U5rjHm7T7648LodrWoWZUqpEuEdkggl3aEE3nUF9esShuQKPv$>