Hi everyone,


Please find below this minutes from this week’s StarlingX Test Status Call:


Minutes for 12/06/2022



·         Open Topics:

o    None


·         Sanity Status:

o    Sanity on STX 8.0 - Sanity was paused this week in light of Wind River commercial release prioritization of lab resources.  We might get a run later in the week.

§  Last execution, Nov 29, 2022 - Results email: https://lists.starlingx.io/pipermail/starlingx-discuss/2022-November/013622.html

§  Next execution planned for Dec 13

o    Sanity debugging on STX 8.0 plus Openstack is progressing this week on Debian based builds.  Team is working through issues in an attempt to achieve a successful sanity execution

§  Current bug being worked https://bugs.launchpad.net/starlingx/+bug/1998630

·         Feature Test Status:

o    Feature testing is tracked in the following google sheet

§  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yzlArypq3sgdNdYzMwBONLnOsx6OqMpxj6KT0P6Pc6M/edit#gid=968103774



