On 2019-10-09 19:08:25 +0000 (+0000), Penney, Don wrote:
The original list came from a gerrit query, not a git query. The git history was maintained [...]
Right, the base contributor data is obtained by checking what repositories a change originally merged in, not what forks of a repository those corresponding commits may appear in. This has come up in the past for OpenStack, for example when nova-baremetal driver work was reimported from the Ironic team, and so the Nova team identified contributors to the files which they imported and listed them as extra-atcs entries in governance to reflect that contribution. If this is being used to determine per-team electoral rolls for team-specific leadership elections and seat eligibility, then it's probably a good idea to identify code you've imported from other teams' repositories and credit the contributors as extra-atcs entries in the importing team. If on the other hand this is all in service of generating a single StarlingX-wide electorate then it's probably not so necessary, as those contributions are still reflected in their original teams anyway. -- Jeremy Stanley