Agenda/Minutes are posted at:


For our next meeting on May 7, we’d like to cover the status of the remaining features as well as the Feature Testing status. I’d like PLs/Feature primes/Test primes to attend the meeting or update the May 7 section in the etherpad.



Release Team Meeting - April 30 2020


·        Feature Tracking: 

·        Upcoming Feature Merges

§  The 1.11 release will be available on 5/5. Date moved from 4/22

§  Moved the stx merge date accordingly to 5/15


·        Code complete / Code reviews are up. Requested cores to review

§  helm v3 is still outstanding. Expect forecast to be 5/15 or 5/22


§  Code complete and reviews are going through

§  Ghada to follow up with JimS on the two pending reviews

§  Code merged, but still having build issues.

§  A number of LPs are raised:




§  It appears that the layered build failed on CENGN, but the monolithic build passed on CENGN

·        The failure is consistent on the layered build, but appears to be intermittent on monolithic

§  Agreed with Nick to start a sanity on the monolithic build until the above issue is resolved

·        stx-openstack apply issue should be resolved: 

·        Team had some lab issues and now has some time off

·        Will re-forecast to a couple of weeks 5/15 and see where we are at

§  Reviews are starting to be posted



stx.2.0.2 & stx.3.0.1 Mainenance Releases

·        No responses received for stx.2.0

·        One response received for stx.3.0