Hi Chenjie,

The code that you reference below is the pmon daemon code which does not need to be updated.


The story requires the creation of a set of pmon configuration files and associated puppet file link operations for when the vswitch type is ovs-dpdk.


Here is the existing one for ovsdb-server for OVS (not yet integrated).



It is packaged by this rpm spec.




You will also require puppet changes to link to this file from /etc/pmon.d (this will register the configuration with pmon daemon).



if $::platform::params::vswitch_type == 'ovs-dpdk' {

  $pmon_ensure = link

} else {

  $pmon_ensure = absent



  file { '/etc/pmon.d/ovsdb-server.conf':

    ensure => $pmon_ensure,

    target => '/etc/openvswitch/ovsdb-server.pmon.conf',

    owner  => 'root',

    group  => 'root',

    mode   => '0755',



From: "Xu, Chenjie" <chenjie.xu@intel.com>
Date: Tuesday, January 22, 2019 at 7:53 AM
To: "Peters, Matt" <Matt.Peters@windriver.com>
Cc: "starlingx-discuss@lists.starlingx.io" <starlingx-discuss@lists.starlingx.io>
Subject: [Starlingx-discuss] Questions on [Enhancement] OVS process monitoring and alarming


Hi Matt,

I’m assigned the story [Enhancement] OVS process monitoring and alarming:

And I have several questions on this story as below:

1.       Does PMON refer to the following code:

2.       Do I need to extend the above PMON as OVS PMON?

3.       Will OVS PMON be integrated into stx-neutron?


Best Regards,

Xu, Chenjie