Hi All:

1) When I tried to build dev images . I meet below error.  

    “Unsupported BUILDER in /home/wrsroot/starlingx/workspace/localdisk/designer/wrsroot/starlingx/cgcs-root/stx/stx-integ/database/mariadb/centos/*.dev_docker_image:”

Build command is something like (sudo ./build-stx-images.sh --os centos --stream dev --base starlingx/stx-centos:master-dev-latest --wheels ~/starlingx/wheel/stx-centos-stable-wheels.tar --only stx-fm-rest-api)


Does mariadb not support for dev build ?


2) how to push image built by developer to deployed environment  directly ?


    Do we have any wiki or guide about this ?  



Austin Sun.