Hi Folks, Happy New Year! Due to lack of corium, and lack of topics to discuss, the meetings on Dec 22th, and Jan 19th were cancelled. Below is the meeting minutes for our first meeting after the New Year. 01/19/2022 Agenda Items: None Attendees: Mark A, Bob Church, Frank Miller, Charles Short, Steve Geary, Linda W, Bill Z, Scott L. 1. Validate and double check all STX Debian integrations such that if/when we encourage more community involvement the experience will be 'good' * review Wiki entries * Need a good build receipt so that people won't break the build 2. Build stability and length (speed up the build) * Image build is taking a long time (LAT improvements?) * There are caching mechanism, but there are definitely performance improvement can be made. * Tooling has been stabilizing. * Should add c-cache, so that kernel or ceph (large pkgs) can build faster. * Upstream (Ingo) has been working on improving build time, 80% improvement by cleaning up header files dependencies. Won't pick it up until it is been merged. * Error path should be improving, so when things failed, it would be obvious what break, and why. * Also working on Patching mechanism, need OSTree deep dive * Static delta of changes 3. STX 7 (next 6 months) * Python 3 has been finished in STX6 * not going to be completed merge with OSTreee, and LAT * Need another 3 months or so: installer, distributed program are not likely to finish off. * For Kernel, should we update to the latest 5.10 stable, possible on a cadence. Align with architect Next Meeting: February 3rd, 2022