I took at AR at the last TSC meeting to turn our current working Project Priorities Etherpad [0] into a spreadsheet. It’s done. You can find it in an Ethercalc [1].
I copied work items over from the Etherpad, and added a brief description and justification for each. I gave each a Priority which right now is just the order that the items are listed by in the Etherpad. I took the liberty of adding
a few items at the bottom that I’ve been thinking about.
The spreadsheet includes placeholders for each team. I’m going to ask at the community meeting next Wednesday that the TLs and PLs for each team get together, make their wish list for the March release, and update the Ethercalc.
Feedback / comments / changes welcomed graciously!
[1] https://ethercalc.openstack.org/fafyo2729fnr