FYI. Good news for your Friday.
From: Hu, Wei W
Sent: Friday, May 31, 2019 4:44 AM
To: Jones, Bruce E <>; Xie, Cindy <>; Wang, Shane <>; Ding, Jian-feng <>; Kadera, Michael J <>; Broughton, Travis V <>; Liang,
Maggie <>; Hu, Yong <>
Subject: BC-Edge product of China Mobile Suzhou company will integrate StarlingX components !!!
Today CMCC Suzhou company has published an article in their official WeChat group account. The below is the link for the article.
The article includes 3 parts:
Edge computing introduction and 5 typical uses cases
Edge computing requirements from business side/deployment side/operation side
BC-Edge development plan(edge computing product of CMCC Suzhou company)
In the 3 part, I capture the below two paragraphs and highlight the StarlingX part in red with English translation. And the below picture of the proposed BC-Edge product architecture(you can find StarlingX there).
StarlingX未来将会朝着容器化方向发展,将会把Openstack等组件做在容器中, 并可使用K8S来管理。从功能上来看,StarlingX在系统HA、性能调优、软件管理、故障监控方面有很好的参考价值。目前StarlingX项目门槛较高,社区活跃度还不是很高,我们会持续跟进项目发展,借鉴项目好的功能和思路。(From
the feature perspective, StarlingX provides valuable components in system HA, performance tuning, software management and fault monitoring. At present, we believe it takes some time and effort to learn StarlingX project, and the community activities is not
very high and diverse. We will continue to follow up the project development progress and leverage from the good components and design of StarlingX.)
will integrate the software management, resource management, service management and fault management components from StarlingX)同时,提供统一的边缘云管理平台(参照第二章第三小节)和部署工具(具体功能参照图中斜体字)。