Dear Kunpeng,

Your progress status is applying.

If it shows apply-failed status, then do re-apply.


# system application-apply platform-integ-apps


张鲲鹏 <> 於 2019年6月28日 週五 上午11:48寫道:
Hi guys,

When I use sysinv to bring up the containerized services, platform-integ-apps is stay applying for a long time. I wonder it may be caused by recent poweroff. Now I have reactived the controllers, and can you tell me how to re-apply it?

[root@controller-0 log(keystone_admin)]# system host-list
| id | hostname     | personality | administrative | operational | availability |
| 1  | controller-0 | controller  | unlocked       | enabled     | available    |
| 2  | controller-1 | controller  | unlocked       | enabled     | available    |
[root@controller-0 log(keystone_admin)]# system application-list
| application         | version                   | manifest name                 | manifest file      | status    | progress                                                         |
| platform-integ-apps | 1.0-7                     | platform-integration-manifest | manifest.yaml      | applying  | processing chart: stx-rbd-provisioner, overall completion: 50.0% |
| stx-openstack       | 1.0-16-centos-stable-     | armada-manifest               | stx-openstack.yaml | uploading | validating and uploading charts                                  |
|                     | latest                    |                               |                    |           |                                                                  |
|                     |                           |                               |                    |           |                                                                  |

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