Hi, We have installed Starlingx - Aug 5th release build for central cloud and edge cloud. controller-1:~$ cat /etc/build.info ### ### StarlingX ### Release 20.06 ### OS="centos" SW_VERSION="20.06" BUILD_TARGET="Host Installer" BUILD_TYPE="Formal" BUILD_ID="r/stx.4.0" JOB="STX_4.0_build_layer_flock" BUILD_BY="starlingx.build@cengn.ca" BUILD_NUMBER="22" BUILD_HOST="starlingx_mirror" BUILD_DATE="2020-08-05 12:25:52 +0000" FLOCK_OS="centos" FLOCK_JOB="STX_4.0_build_layer_flock" FLOCK_BUILD_BY="starlingx.build@cengn.ca" FLOCK_BUILD_NUMBER="22" FLOCK_BUILD_HOST="starlingx_mirror" FLOCK_BUILD_DATE="2020-08-05 12:25:52 +0000" Hardware on which edge cloud is installed has Mellanox nic which is SRIOV capable. Commands that I m using to enable SRIOV functionality are, DATA0IF=enp101s0f0 export NODE=controller-1 PHYSNET0='physnet0' SPL=/tmp/tmp-system-port-list SPIL=/tmp/tmp-system-host-if-list system host-port-list ${NODE} --nowrap > ${SPL} cat /tmp/tmp-system-port-list system host-if-list -a ${NODE} --nowrap > ${SPIL} cat /tmp/tmp-system-host-if-list DATA0PCIADDR=$(cat $SPL | grep $DATA0IF |awk '{print $8}') DATA0PORTUUID=$(cat $SPL | grep ${DATA0PCIADDR} | awk '{print $2}') DATA0PORTNAME=$(cat $SPL | grep ${DATA0PCIADDR} | awk '{print $4}') DATA0IFUUID=$(cat $SPIL | awk -v DATA0PORTNAME=$DATA0PORTNAME '($12 ~ DATA0PORTNAME) {print $2}') echo $DATA0IFUUID system datanetwork-add ${PHYSNET0} vlan system host-if-modify $NODE -n sriov0 -c pci-sriov -N 16 --vf-driver=netdevice $DATA0IFUUID system interface-datanetwork-assign ${NODE} ${DATA0IFUUID} ${PHYSNET0} With these commands I m able to see that /etc/pcidp/config.json file is getting updated with the below contents controller-1:/home/sysadmin# cat /etc/pcidp/config.json { "resourceList": [ { "resourceName": "pci_sriov_net_physnet0", "selectors": { "vendors": [ "15b3" ], "isRdma": true, "drivers": [ "mlx5_core" ], "devices": [ "1014" ], "pfNames": [ "enp101s0f0" ] } } ] } One device pool is created with 16 vfs. controller-1:/home/sysadmin# kubectl get node controller-1 -o json | jq '.status.allocatable' { "cpu": "22", "ephemeral-storage": "9391196145", "hugepages-1Gi": "20Gi", "hugepages-2Mi": "0", "intel.com/pci_sriov_net_physnet0": "16", "memory": "70207428Ki", "pods": "110" } Our usecase requires us to create multiple device pools like below. controller-1:/home/sysadmin# cat /etc/pcidp/config.json { "resourceList": [ { "resourceName": "cuplanepool", "selectors": { "vendors": [ "15b3" ], "isRdma": true, "drivers": [ "mlx5_core" ], "devices": [ "1014" ], "pfNames": [ "enp101s0f0#0-4" ] } }, { "resourceName": "flupool", "selectors": { "vendors": [ "15b3" ], "isRdma": true, "drivers": [ "mlx5_core" ], "devices": [ "1014" ], "pfNames": [ "enp101s0f0#5-9" ] } }, { "resourceName": "o1pool", "selectors": { "vendors": [ "15b3" ], "isRdma": true, "drivers": [ "mlx5_core" ], "devices": [ "1014" ], "pfNames": [ "enp101s0f0#10-15" ] } } ] } Please let me know if it is possible to create multiple device pools from the same nic (with the filters as above) using StarlingX system CLI. Regards, Sriram