Hello all,

We are ready with one more contribution.

The deployment of Openstack in StarlingX all-in-one Simplex is done successfully. It is containing StarlingX with k8s, EdgeX and Openstack. But we faced some challenges during whole process. Thus, to ease the process for a newbie, we have created ready-to-use qcow2 images. One can simply use this image to deploy the VM (containing StarlingX with K8S, EdgeX and Openstack).  Below are the links for StarlingX_all-in-one_Edgex_with_Openstack setup Document and Image link.

Setup Document:  https://drive.google.com/open?id=110kbsRoBFZQ3J99hobu0QGxC_xchYwKk

Image:  https://drive.google.com/open?id=14jxBWnB5ydCk2sf_jc7I2B_e0aTC-rc6

Please let us know where can we upload these images and documents

Thanks & Regards
Sai Chandu Behara