Hi StarlingX TSC candidates, I would like to use the opportunity to ask you a question as part of the TSC election campaign period. Growing and diversifying the community has been an important topic for the project since its inception. What is your strategy to support this effort? For instance, how would you lower the barriers for newcomers to enter and start participating in the community? Best Regards, Ildikó ——— Ildikó Váncsa Senior Manager, Community & Ecosystem Open Infrastructure Foundation
On Nov 8, 2022, at 13:58, Ildiko Vancsa <ildiko.vancsa@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi StarlingX Community,
The StarlingX TSC Election Campaigning Period has now started [1] and will end on November 15 at 2045 UTC.
During the next couple days, you are all encouraged to ask the candidates questions about their platforms [2], opinions on StarlingX, community governance, and anything else that will help you to better determine how you will vote. This is the time to raise any issues you wish the future TSC to consider, and to evaluate the opinions of the nominees prior to their election.
Each of you has posted a platform[2], and announced your nomination to the project contributors. From this point, you are encouraged to ask each other questions about the posted platforms, and begin discussion of any points that you feel are particularly important during the next cycle.
While you are not yet TSC members for the upcoming term, your voices and opinions about the issues raised in your platforms and questions raised by the wider community will help ensure that the future TSC has the widest possible input on the matters of community concern, and the electorate has the best information to determine the ideal TSC composition to address these and other issues that may arise.
Thanks and Best Regards, Ildikó, on behalf of the StarlingX election officials[3]
[1] https://docs.starlingx.io/election/ [2] https://opendev.org/starlingx/election/src/branch/master/candidates/2022_H2/... [3] https://docs.starlingx.io/election/#election-officials