Hi StarlingX Community,

In case you are not subscribed to the OpenStack Foundation mailing list please see below the update from Mark Collier about the OpenDev + PTG event that is planned for this June.

Thanks and Best Regards,

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Mark Collier" <mark@openstack.org>
Subject: [OpenStack Foundation] Update on OpenDev + PTG (Vancouver)
Date: March 18, 2020 at 21:33:13 GMT+1
To: foundation@lists.openstack.org

Hi everyone,

Based on the input from the community, board, and the latest information available from the health experts, we've made the decision not to hold the OpenDev + PTG in Vancouver this June. Instead, we're exploring ways to turn it into a virtual event and would love the help of everyone in the community.

We will be reaching out to participants who have already registered to issue full refunds.

We have always aimed to produce events "of the community, by the community," and this change for OpenDev + PTG is no exception. We would like to virtualize the PTG, since it is critical to producing the next release, targeting the same timeframe. We would like to recruit community volunteers to form a Virtual PTG Organization Team to collaborate with the OSF staff to incorporate best practices and ensure the event continues to meet the goals of the upstream community. We will need to begin pulling this plan together soon, so please add your name ot this etherpad if you are interested in helping: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/Virtual_PTG_Planning.

For OpenDev, discussions are also meant to be collaborative and free-flowing but are less time bound by the release schedule, so rather than trying to recreate that during a single virtual event at the same time as the virtual PTG, we are thinking about other ways to accomplish the same goals. We've already assembled an awesome team of Program Committee volunteers who have received proposals for moderated discussions, and we will be working with them on some ideas on the best way to move forward.

For the time being, we are continuing with the plan for the Open Infrastructure Summit in Berlin October 19-23. For updates on OpenDev + PTG and the Summit, please continue to read and bookmark this status page which we will continue to update:  https://www.openstack.org/events/covid-19-coronavirus-disease-updates

Mark Collier
COO, OpenStack Foundation

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