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Hi StarlingX Community,
I got the below questions about StarlingX, and need a little help with finding the answers:
1. Can a subcloud-group be rehomed (can see that a subcloud can, but what about a subcloud-group)?
2. Can a subcloud belong to multiple subcloud groups for administrative and monitoring/reporting purposes?
- For example, having all subclouds in a given region with the same update/version policies, and at the same time having all instances running a particular application to have specific settings for that application regardless of region setting?
3. Is it possible to provision a specific application to an entire subcloud-group in a single action?
4. Last one - is it possible to run OpenStack in subclouds? Most of the documentation only seems to mention K8s.
Thank you for your help in advance.
Best Regards,
Ildikó Váncsa
Director of Community
Open Infrastructure Foundation
Starlingx-discuss mailing list