

I was able to successfully test TSN with the default container kernel on a RC STX 4.0 release.


Toate cele bune/Kind regards/Mit freundlichen Grüßen/Cordialement/Cordiali saluti/с уважением/z poważaniem





Mihail-Laurenţiu Trică, Software Engineer


From: Liu, Yang (YOW) <yang.liu@windriver.com>
Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2020 6:29 PM
To: starlingx-discuss@lists.starlingx.io
Subject: [Starlingx-discuss] [ Test ] meeting notes - 07/21/2020


Agenda/meeting notes are posted here:




Agenda for 7/21/2020

Attendees: Yang, Ruediger, Mihail, Cosmin, Alex, Bruce, Nicolae, GeorgeP, Oliver, 

·         Sanity Status:

§  stx master had green sanity - 0720 load

§  stx4.0 also had green sanity - 0717 monolithic load


·         stx4.0 testing:

§  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1C9n4aRQT7xMyTDCT5sfuZGNI9ermAX5BYRypzcCpQ6U/edit#gid=0

§  TSN results will be added to feature test spreadsheet

§  Upgrade Containerized OpenStack to Ussuri (and OpenStack helm rebase)

·         Tested on master since 0708 load, and rc4.0 0717 load

·         ~25 remaining - ETA end of week

§  Kata Containers

·         Kata container test completed

·         Nicolae saw issue with "Check PID namespaces"

o    It's an upstream bug/limitation

§  Centos8

§  Upversion Openstack services used by flock components on host: 

·         Test completed - feature spreadsheet updated.

§  Windows Active directory completed

·         Testing is completed with small add-on to support multiple-dex

§  Red fish virual media support - testing  completed

§  Kubernetes Upgrade Support

·         Completed - feature spreadsheet updated.

§  B&R with etcd database

·         Feature testing completed

·         Weekly based regresssion is done - simplex system is passing

§  Ceph - Rook - taken out from stx 4.0 - test activities paused

§  TSN

·         Testing completed using stx3.0 and rc4.0 image

·         Doc change was proposed and in review

§  Regression in progress on master and will switch to 4.0 load - ETA July 27th

·         Nic/Yang: Regression spreadsheet to be checked and updated

·         New defects opened in various area (neutron, swact, telemetry)

·         Nic to check if the stability related test cases such lock/unlock or reboot hosts are covered in regression on rc4.0 load

§  Jasper had issue with kata container in virtual environment 

·         Nic tried kata container tests on master load and it worked

·         Nic will check the process that was missing from Jasper's environment

§  TSN test cases in stx4.0 regression

o    Mihail to test with regular container (non-kata)