Hi team,


Here’s this week MultiOS minutes: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/stx-multios


Multi-OS team meeting  - 9/30/2019



    openSUSE specs on gerrit:

        - maintenance - done

        - config - done

        - HA - WIP

        - NFV - review open

        - Fault - done

        - Ansible playbook - WIP

            - spec file not working as expected

    openSUSE specs integration with OBS:

        - maintenance - WIP

            - Waiting for mtce patch to be merged.

            - bsp-files to have spec, LICENSE, because build-iso needs bsp-files directory, also pxe-network uses this directory.

            - Not work for now on platform-kickstarts.

            - send rpmlintrc

        - config - done

        - HA - WIP

        - NFV - ready to be send

        - Fault - change in version 1.0.0

        - StarlingX Puppet

    Where to keep rpmlintrc file?

        - on gerrit

    Versioning standardization for openSUSE

        - use 1.0.0

    Review puppet dependendencies on openSUSE

        - Dominig sent an email

        - Test if puppet package works

    Auto-trigger OBS

        - gerrit hook or zuul ?

        - WIP, it is being discussed on the mailing list


        - kubernetes, docker and ceph almost finished as standalone services

        - next step: keystone, and running ansible playbook



