No meeting in Dec 26, Happy New Year!


Meeting minutes/agenda are captured at:

Team Meeting Agenda/Notes - Dec 12/2019

·        stx.3.0 Bugs: All open issues should try with latest daily build with train patch (ISO 20191115:

§          ping to vm fails  in live migration test - Gongjun

·        As per Matt, the NAT-Box is directly connected to the neutron router via an L2 switch. The rest of the topology diagram is pretty accurate.

·        Next steps: 

o   Review the logs from Wendy to see if there are any ovs or neutron issues

o   Review the system data (which is also included in the collect data (./var/extra) ) to help replicate the setup to reproduce more closely

o   Huifeng will also ask Wendy to try some additional tests when the system is in the failure condition

§                          neutron router external gateways unreachable on Train - Yao, Le

·        Close as Invalid

§             Containers: Resolving hostname fails within nova containers leading to config_drive VM migration failures - fupingxie

·        Change to high and target to fix in 3.0


·        stx 3.0 features

§  on track from the release meeting update


·        stx.4.0 Feature Proposals:

§  Milestone-1               1/24/2020

§  Milestone-2               3/27/2020

§  Milestone-3               5/15/2020

§  Feature Test              5/29/2020

§  Regression Test        TBD

§  RC1                               6/12/2020

§  Final Regression       TBD

§  Release                        7/3/2020

§  Interface/Networking configuration is part of the config repo

·        Follow the same unit test framework already in place

·        Action: Review the test cases (related to networking) to understand if we can increase the coverage

o   One gap is related to validating the puppet configuration output is valid for the various configs

§  As per Matt, the main gap here is the functional/intergration testing with OVS and OVS-DPDK

·        No need to re-run ovs or neutron tests as these are covered by these projects

·        Need to focus on unique setup for starlingx

§  Depend on Kata container support

§  , ovs chart patch, this patch is in progress

§ , import OVS-DPDK patches, cherry-pick latest ovs-dpdk feature patch from openstack-helm-infra into STX, Can we consider to upgrade the openstack-helm version in 4.0? - Check with Frank on the 4.0 plan

§  Will need one more patch in openstack-helm-infra project to support ovs chart per-host overrides. As discussed in irc meeting, the community is happy to see this feature implemented


§!/story/2002948 - Monitor other features besides interface/port

·        Monitor datanetwork for non openstack worker node by link monitor  Marvin

o   Patch submitted:,,,

§  WIP to add test cases and fix puppet issues


§  Small enhancement related to configuration -- code merged in master a couple of days 


·        Backlog Stories


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