25 Apr
25 Apr
8:02 a.m.
Hello StarlingX PLs / Feature Primes The next milestone for stx.9.0 is Milestone-2 planned for the week of May 10 / 2023 Milestone Criteria: - Feature plans defined and feature development well underway - Release test plan defined - including test automation deliverables In preparation for Milestone-2, please start populating feature dates in the stx.9.0 release planning spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aTjYzUkExodfayt-rjTv466jE-DP8b_YjrTH... columns I, L, O, P (see the Field Definitions worksheet for guidance if needed) If you are proposing additional features for stx.9.0, please add them to the spreadsheet as well. Thanks, Ghada