Agenda Items:
Attendees: Mark
A., Frank M., Charles Short, Billl Z., Rob Cooke, Anthony N. Scott L., Linda W.
1. 20 commits - kernel, integ, compiler repos
* the kernel repo related patches are in need of the reviews.
(Mark A., and Jim)
* On integration this week, and waiting on kernel repo
patches to be reviewed and check in.
2. Debian OS Packages pass 1 complete.
* OS packages continue to post patches for review
3. Build system / stability
- work beyond Minikube still
on hold until progress on packaging and stability are a bit further along
- Planning for updated Helm
Charts and persistent data is the next step
4. 5.10 kernel in STX 6.0
- Performance analysis underway
and understanding the impacts of the new kernel on system behavior