Managing the rpm dependency tree in an automated way is one of the key things I’m hoping we can learn from (leverage) from the Clear Linux project. They seem to have solved this problem. Several ex-Clear team
members are on our team now and thinking about this…
erlang**rpm are the ones to use. The R16B version should have been excluded.
Yes, our mirror was of all ~30000 rpms. In this way, when a designer adds a new package or dependency, it and it's recursive dependencies were already present and ready for use.
The method that has been concocted for StarlingX requires adding packages to .lst files every time there is a change. Further there doesn't seem to be a tool to assist in the search for missing dependencies. The result is likely to be several iterations of
add package, compile, fail due to missing dependency,
add package, compile, fail due to missing dependency ...
very time consuming and frustrating.
On 18-07-19 09:00 PM, Hu, Yong wrote:
Hi Scott,
I noticed in the black_list, there are a couple of RPMs (such as erlang*-R16B*.rpm”), which were in tis-r4-CentOS mirror but were NOT used since tis-r5-CentOS.
As well, we are certain they are not needed for building R5 or current StarlingX codebase.
Could we just drop them?
BTW: in tis-r5-CentOS mirror, there are over 30,000 RPMs, while actually among those only ~1900 RPMs are necessary.
From: Scott Little <>
Date: Wednesday, 18 July 2018 at 11:17 PM
To: "" <>
Subject: Re: [Starlingx-discuss] StarlingX.repo using CentOS 7.3 binary repos instead of 7.4?
Hi all,
The StarlingX.repo file in stx-tools has all the CentOS 7.4.1708 binary repos disabled and is instead using 7.3.1611. This would likely explain why some of the specified RPMs cannot be downloaded via yum, as they were upversioned in 7.4.
Was this done for a particular reason, or is it a configuration error?
Don Penney, Developer, Wind River
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