
      If someone have recently used real-time simplex/duplex StarlingX, I have a problem to create VM on controller under the image and helm-chart of stx2.0 release.

      If you have some information about it, we can have a talk.



Bin Lu  



| ID                                   | Name | Status | Networks | Image  | Flavor   |


| a15c2c00-fabd-4509-a77d-92eb90ec4313 | vm1  | ERROR  |HERE IS EMPTY!| cirros | m1.tinny |

| c0464193-070d-410c-a137-5f35fdb2bbce | vm0  | ERROR  | HERE IS EMPTY!| cirros | m1.tinny |




Brief Description


Use stx2.0 release image and helm-chart to set up real-time StarlingX, and failed to create a VM on controller.

It seems that the Networks is in some error.




Provide the severity of the defect.



Steps to Reproduce


1. export OS_CLOUD=openstack_helm

2. openstack server create --image <image_name> --flavor <flavor_name> --nic net-id=xxxxx <vm_name>


Expected Behavior


VM is created successfully.


Actual Behavior


Wait and you will find VM is in ERROR.




100% reproducible


System Configuration


Real-time simplex/duplex


Branch/Pull Time/Commit


stx2.0 release