Team Agenda for July 22 meeting: 1. SB status: a) Review 2005860 kubernetes upversion status; decision on stx.2.0 or stx.3.0 [Al/Brent] b) Mingyuan's final commit for 2004760 (ironic):<> 2. stx.2.0 gating bugs: 33 (down from 41 one week ago - thanks for getting issues addressed!) a) Plan for scrub of medium priority [Frank] b) Updates from primes for gating LPs that do not yet have solid forecasts: Bart: Application recovery from various controller events [1837055, 1833730, 1829931, 1829432, 1816842] Bob: Application apply or re-apply failures [1836609, Shuicheng: Application apply or re-apply failures [1829936, 1836378] Erich: hypervisor remains down after force lock/unlock [1824881] Ovidiu: Pods on existing worker nodes restart when adding a new worker node [1820902] c) Others? Etherpad: Timeslot: 11am EST / 8am PDT / 1600 UTC Call details * Zoom link: * Dialing in from phone: o Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 646 876 9923 o Meeting ID: 342 730 236 o International numbers available: Agenda and meeting minutes Project notes are at Containerization subproject wiki: