

         When I try to build starlingx image, i have some problems and can’t resolve it.


         I follow the following doc to build our image.



         At setup building Docker Container, step 7:

                  make build


         At building process,  executing the below command will fails.

         RUN useradd -r -u $MYUID -g cgts -m $MYUNAME &&     ln -s /home/$MYUNAME/.ssh /mySSH

         Error is useradd: UID 0 is not unique.


         I try to add flag –o into useradd, so can pass this step. But at build packages, step 4 will fails.

        build-pkgs --serial

         The main reason of this step is that lighttpd startup fails.


         I also try other method to build it.

         For example: at /../stx-tools/Makefile file, delete –build-arg MYUID=$(UID) (at my host machine, i directly use root account)

         So, command “make build ” can pass, but non-root account will be lack of permission to do anything inside container.


         Anybody have ideal to this issue.


