Agenda and notes for the Feb 13th call

·         Bruce will be OOO next week.  Can someone else chair this meeting? [Bill Z volunteers]

·         The outreach working group has the following suggestions for things we'd like to see to help community outreach

§  Mark stories with "stx.easy" or similar?  Use - Bill to look for bugs to label

·         This is something many projects do, especially in github where labelling is quite easy, eg. Kata Containers, "help wanted" -

·         Would need people who know what issues/bugs/features in all the projects are good for new contributors to label them, and then have somewhere that those labels are linked from (perhaps off the main website?). 

§  Define new stories for easy but not yet staffed efforts e.g. Unit Testing?  

§  Posting a todo list?

§  Ask each sub-project to identify easy work items in their domains?

§  e.g containers, distributed cloud, CentOS 7.6, Ceph 13, etc...

§  Brent to write a container blog.

·         Our wiki needs updating.  Any objections to me (Bruce) doing some major refactoring?  None heard J

·         Open Infrastructure Summit and PTG planning (ildikov)





·         Open ARs from Mini-PTG

·         Sub-project updates:

§  stx.209.05 Release Gating Bugs:

§  The bug trend is upward :(

§  see updated trend line at

§  Team working very hard on 3 gating issues - will not make tomorrow.  Day by day.

·         4 high priority LPs to be addressed (one may close)

·         docker mirror story board needs to merge - pending on Mingyuan's review

·         Sanity results from Ada's team - looking for them to come out tommorrow.

·         please use stx.containers for any new issues so the team can find them!

§  work in progress on CVE scans (as per ARs above)

§  Github is doing security scans of our repos there.  Ken getting them indirectly.  Dean to help see if we can add recipients

§  Team discussing how to divide and conquer the remaining work.  Key team members still on CNY.

§  First run of tests done by Ada and Numan's team.  UEFI issue found which blocked some testing.  Fixed, second run of testing can proceed.

§  Plan is to merge Feb 22nd but might be delayed due to test cycle.

§  Continue to push on neutron upstreaming.  Working on OVS in a container.

§  Mega-spec working through the approval process.  WR has contributed some additional seed documents, thank you!

§  Build is fairly stable, no issues expected for container cut-over

§  Looking for issues that need resolution that might be caused by the container changes.

§  See above :)  Work continues to review the regression suite and decide which tests can be kept and which need to change.

§  We had an _interesting_ meeting on Monday and reset expectations for what we want to do for May.  Multi-OS spec has been updated and the team is looking for review and feedback!