Hi Maria,

Please confirm that sanity is using the correct docker images (as per email from Don Penney earlier today) and that the previous sanity issues are no longer seen:

-        cinder volume create failed https://bugs.launchpad.net/starlingx/+bug/1828059

-        SRIOV and Multus images not pulled from local mirror registry https://bugs.launchpad.net/starlingx/+bug/1829299



I am puzzled by the new ssh issue reported as only the fix for the local mirror registry above got merged.  Does this happen if you setup the system and not run any TCs? Does sanity capture any alarms – is the system overloaded/cpu alarms? The bug says the issue is 100% reproducible – how many attempts were done?  Is this an issue in the virtual env as well?

Cannot get prompt after login in ssh or serial https://bugs.launchpad.net/starlingx/+bug/1829941





From: Perez Ibarra, Maria G [mailto:maria.g.perez.ibarra@intel.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2019 7:18 PM
To: starlingx-discuss@lists.starlingx.io
Subject: [Starlingx-discuss] [Containers] Sanity Test - ISO 20190521


Status of the Sanity Test for last CENGN ISO: bootimage.iso from 2019-MAY-21 (link)


Status: YELLOW



Bare Metal environment


    AIO - Simplex:


    Setup                                 03 TCs

    Provision-Containers     01 TCs  

    Sanity-OpenStack           49 TCs  | 3 TCs FAIL

    Sanity-Platform              11 TCs   


    TOTAL:                  64 TCs


    AIO - Duplex:


    Setup                                03 TCs

    Provision-Containers    01 TCs  

    Sanity-OpenStack          52 TCs  | 3 TCs FAIL

    Sanity-Platform             09 TCs   | 5 TCs FAIL


    TOTAL:                  65 TCs


    Standard - Local Storage (2+2):


    Setup                                03 TCs

    Provision-Containers    01 TCs   

    Sanity-OpenStack          52 TCs   | 2 TCs FAIL

    Sanity-Platform             09 TCs    | 5 TCs FAIL


    TOTAL:                  65 TCs


    Standard - External Storage (2+2+2):

    Setup                                03 TCs

    Provision-Containers    01 TCs 

    Sanity-OpenStack          52 TCs 

    Sanity-Platform             05 TCs   | 5 TCs FAIL


    TOTAL:                  65 TCs



VM resize failed by "No valid host was found" https://bugs.launchpad.net/starlingx/+bug/1824412

Cannot get prompt after login in ssh or serial https://bugs.launchpad.net/starlingx/+bug/1829941


For more detail of the tests: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/StarlingX/Test/SanityTests#Sanity-OpenStack



Maria G.