

I have followed the process listed in below page to push new spec file.



It is failing with below error:


vburru@PowerEdge-T630:/disk2/vsr/upstream/stx/specs$ git push origin HEAD:refs/for/master --verbose

Pushing to https://review.opendev.org/starlingx/specs

Username for 'https://review.opendev.org': vburru

Password for 'https://vburru@review.opendev.org':

remote: Unauthorized

fatal: Authentication failed for 'https://review.opendev.org/starlingx/specs/'

vburru@ PowerEdge-T630:/disk2/vsr/upstream/stx/specs$



It seems I do not have permissions to push changes to starlingx/specs repo.

May I know how to get the correct permissions for this repo ?



Thanks & Regards,