Below is the Nov 29's Distro Meeting minutes:
Nov 29, 2023
Attendees: Davlet, Steve, Mark, Scott, Tianyu
1. General Topic
1.1 Log into the git before download the source.
1.1.1 How to pass the credential through the tooling layer when log into git
repo. workaround: currently use repo sync outside of the containers.
AI: Scott to write up a feature request for the tool - file a request in Story
2. ARM Support
2.1. Equipment
Steve gave the addresses for the location of the hosts, 4 in Alameda (for CI/CD server
for testing), and 2 in Ottawa lab (build process) , 2 were returned.
ARM is sending those machines to these locations. Steve update the address of the
Ottawa office. 2 machines for ARM has already been setup in Ottawa Lab. Installed with Debian OS. IT has fixed the network issue, in the correct network(?).
Setting up the mirroring of the ARM server for Debian ARM repo server. No time allocated
for build ARM server.
Pending: Test server, Haris' team is working on this: CGTS-54853.
AI: Need Mike M., to help allocate time to get the systems setup.
2.2 CI/CD Update
CI/CD try to set up the workflow in ARM's local lab (ARM's Shanghai Lab), applied Jackie's patches, but may still
need more patches to do builds.
Tianyu is trying to reproduce the environment in local lab, but still have some error on generating the ISO image.
Still have the same problem. Can't generate the ISO image as needed from Jenkins, so will need help from the
Jackie, will need to get help from Jackie. Working on using docker image for CI/CD, talking to Jackie for help.
TianYu to reach out to Rob Cook directly to get help on auto testing infrastructure.
Next: Rob will take the image and manually run the tests on the systems, and get the results to debug the issues
Took 20 hours to build the packages. Very time consuming, some time out and driver issues. Some difficult to
get to next stage.
2.3. Porting still in progreess (Jakie)
Not spending much time in this area
Rebase all the code to latest master, send all the code reivews
There are 37 code reviews, and there are 36 reviews pending.
Code reviewers are different for different repos. 3- 4 weeks ago
Jackie reached out to ARM for more resources to help porting of the failure the packages: qemu, ice networking
driver, secureboot.
ARM needs to find resources to help with prepare patches for these failure packages.
2.4 Packages for x86_64 are in CNGN, need to push ARM packages in CNGN
1. generic Debian mirror. 2. various build config files 3. publishing the build artifacts.
4. naming and tagging of docker images (not decided on naming or tagging yet).
We have enough disk space, add another arch support for the mirror.
Need man power to help get the mirror to support ARM? Q: Another people resource
question to Mike M.
Need to change meta-lat layer for ELF SDK, but want to link the task to different
repo, not yet done.
2.5 OSTree
removing OSTree from the installer ISO. (not from the StarlingX)
Work in progress, not sure when it will be ready. Possible early next year, StarlingX 9.
2.6 StarlingX 9.0
SPEC from Chuck on OSTree generation on the controller, pending review.
Using OSTree to do upgrade management
Will pull in several packages in to branch.
Still in Progress.
Next Meeting: Dec 13, 2023