November 30, 2022 Attendees: Mark A., Charles Short, Mike Matterson, Elisamara Goncalves, Linda Wang, Scott Little, Scott Kampe 1. General Topics 0.1 Split package list betweeen repositories * * Resource & landing. * *AI: Check with Davlet to see if there is a request posted to Launchpad. * * Backup plan: use centOS build or docker images. 0.2 Log into the git before download the source. * * How to pass the credential through the tooling layer when log into git repo. * * workaround: currently use repo sync outside of the containers. * * AI: Scott to write up a feature request for the tool - file a request in Story Board 0.3 Pre-patch ISO (Luis) * * Check to see if there is a ticket to look into this issue. * 2. StarlingX 0.1 Secureboot enablement * AI: (lwang8) Will send out notification to the list once it is confirmed enabled by default. 0.2 ISO size bigginer than 4G * with OOT driver may need to include the kernel source/debug package that will allow OOT tree driver to be built on the target system. * This will add the ISO size back up to greater than 4G. * AI: (mike/scott) low priority but still need to investigate the "ISO daisy chain extension of another ISO/4G, and the tooling needs. Next Meeting: December 14, 2022