Hi bob


I comment on this bug, add my debug find.



After host-swact, and quickly type in command “system application-apply stx-openstack”, container tiller in pod armada-api will list installed release saved in postgres. But this list request will be failed with this log. 5432 is postgres listen port. is armada-api pod cluster ip.

2021-03-01T11:38:56.600564874Z stderr F [storage/driver] 2021/03/01 11:38:56 list: failed to list: write tcp> write: broken pipe


And after a while it will recovery, then “system application-apply”, it will succeed.

Any idea about this, maybe after host-swact, postgres is still launching and not ready for connection?


You can reproduce this issue with latest daily build.




Martin, Chen

IOTG, Software Engineer
