Agenda and notes - Jan 30th call * Container update - Frank * Branch cut-over planned for Feb 14th. Team is focused on the f/stein branch, seeing and working through some issues * Test teams are ramping on the changes needed to get testing enabled in the brave new world * Looking for the community to try out the container issues. Looks like the proxy issue is resolved. * Ceph upgrade - warm handoff - status * Feature branch f/ceph_mimic_upgrade created and will be populated * Good progress here, issues still to resolve. Still 4 weeks out for the branch to merge (2 weeks dev, 2 weeks testing) * Handing over work to WR team due to CNY. Work on test cases continues. * Metworking update - Ghada * OVS/DPDK upgrade status - we have a reasonable plan (hearing no objections) ? Forrest working on defining the test cases, Cindy and Forrest met earlier today. Forrest doesn't have access to the right hardware (NICs). He can run basic test cases and then Ada can run tests against the HW. ? New OVS version will not come until 3rd week of Feb. * CentOS 7.6 update * Most patches have been merged - 2 patches pending with last minute issues. Issue has been addressed. ISO is ready now for WR testing. Need to enable Cengn to do builds for feature branches which is a good thing in general and absoluately needed for container builds since only Cengn can post docker images. * Pleae accelerate reviews so we can get an ISO built for testing. ? Cindy - please add links to reviews here. ? ? * merge plan - Targeting Feb 22nd. * Docs update -Michael / Bruce * Docs team needs an additional week, we did some work on a big spreadsheet (Thanks Kris!) to map all doc proposals against each other ? * Build update - Cesar * Working on final tasks for Cengn hosting. Mailing list errors coming from the new build should be addressed. * Reviewing the multi-OS build meta-spec. * Distcloud update - Dariush * Will have some work to do post container cut-over. * Keystone scalability / db sync reviews have been posted to StarlingX, seeing some issues. Feature is at risk for May. * Distributed Glance - Upstream community did not accept our spec. We have found a way to implement the same functionality without changing glance. Need Ceph to be configured which we have in the container branch. Status for glance image caching is now yellow for the release. * Test update - Ada / Numan * working on testing CentOS 7.6 upgrade. Continuing to review regression test cases to prepare for May release. Working on the release test plan. Struggling a bit with deploying containers. BM is having issues due to our isolated lab. Continued progress on the security testing - ty team for your help! Numan to cover secure boot and security related test cases. Also updating test cases for Containers and patch elimination. Need to set milestones for test case update - plan not yet closed (or written!). * Update on - Bruce * Pursuing two paths here - one for setting up infrastructure for allowing StarlingX community members to run on bare metal, a second to run starlingX on edge-deployed hardware with applications running on real cel phone towers. Team is looking for help / volunteers and will keep the mailing list updated. * Community meetup AR updates - Bill * Multi-OS - our meeting is open to the community, please feel free to join our meeting at 7AM PST Mondays.